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Delivering clothes for refugees already in Poland
Packing to the max for another journey to Kiev and Lviv
Major grocery shopping with funds from donors
Medicine and medical supplies going to eastern Ukraine
Medical supplies going to a hospital in Kharkiv
Supplies going straight to Kyiv
30 mothers and children housed in a converted office in Warsaw
Supplies arrive in Wyszhorod near Kyiv
Another load of supplies bought with funds from supporters
Smiles of relief
Ukrainian refugees waiting and hoping to get picked up at the Polish border
Orphanage in Kyiv evacuated at the beginning of the war in Ukraine
Michael Hekmat on the tragic crisis on the Polish/Ukrainian border
Ariana securing supplies
Supplies going near Lviv
Housing secured in Warsaw for rescued children
Refugees freezing in long lines on the Polish border
Supplies destined for Ukraine
Going in and out of Ukraine several times a day
Finally resting in Poland after a difficult journey
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